Nonprofits & Social Services


We offer specialty nonprofit, human service, and social service insurance solutions across a wide range of target classes, including: Counseling Centers, Group Homes, Boys & Girls Clubs, Performing Arts groups, Vocational/Adult schools, and YMCAs/YWCAs.

Features & Details

  •    PACKAGE
  •    Workers Compensation
  •    Directors & Officers/EPLI
  •    CYBER
  •    Applications
  • Property
  • General Liability
  • Inland Marine
  • Automobile
  • Umbrella
  • Appetite
  • Applications/Supplementals
  • Submissions
  • International Coverage
  • Accident Coverage

Property Coverage

  • Buildings and Personal Property
  • Replacement Cost, Agreed Amount and Blanket Limits Business Income and Extra expense
  • Exclusive Charity First Property Enhancement XP Endorsement        
    • Building Limit -  Ordinance or Law Coverage A
    • $1M Ordinance or Law Coverage B & C  
    • $300,000 Accts. Receivables & Val Records
    • $300,000 Bus. Income & Extra Exp.
    • $100,000 Fine Arts
    • $100,000 EDP
    • $100,000 Sewer or Drain Back-Up
    • $50,000 Money & Securities
    • $50,000 Employee Dishonesty
    • And more!
  • Building Ordinance
  • Systems Breakdown and Boiler Coverage

General Liability Coverage 

  • Liability Limits up to $1 Million Occ/$3 Million Agg
  • Sexual Abuse/Molestation – separate limits up to $1 Million Occ/$2 Million Agg (Up to $5 mill available in Umbrella)
  • Social Services Professional Liability – separate limits up to $1 Million Occ/$3 Million Agg
  • Veterinarians Professional Liability
  • Employee Benefits Liability
  • Special Events
  • Exclusive Charity First Broadening Endorsements        
    • Automatic Coverage for most special events
    • Blanket Additional Insured
    • $1,000,000 - Damage to premises rented to you
    • Blanket Waiver of Subrogation
    • And more!

Inland Marine Coverage

  • Electronic Data Processing
  • Cameras, Videos and Sound Equipment
  • Miscellaneous Equipment
  • Commercial Fine Arts

Automobile Coverage 

  • Limits up to $1 Million
  • Liability Covering “any auto”
  • Hired and Non-Owned Auto
  • Medical Payments
  • Additional Coverage for Employees and Volunteers


Crime Coverage 

  • Employee Theft
  • Forgery or Alteration
  • Inside Premises Theft of Money and Securities
  • Outside Premises Robbery (Burglary)
  • Computer Fraud
  • Fiduciary Liability

Umbrella Coverage

  • Umbrella Limits $5M
  • Sexual Abuse up to $5M in Umbrella
  • Social Service professional available under umbrella

Package Appetite 

Column one

Arts & Cultural

  • Community Arts Centers
  • Museums
  • Performing Arts Centers & Organizations
  • Theaters – Live

Business Development

  • Chambers of Commerce
  • Downtown Business Leagues
  • Business Networking Groups


  • Community Service Clubs (Kiwanis/Lions)
  • Junior League
  • Men’s/Women’s Service Clubs
  • Social Clubs


  • Daycare, Head Start & Kindergarten
  • Charter Schools
  • Elementary Schools – Private
  • Schools – Adult
  • Vocational Schools
  • Learning Centers & Organizations

Community Services & Neighborhood Assn.

  • Associations for Retarded Citizens (ARCs)
  • Career & Vocational Counseling
  • Community Centers
  • Senior Centers
Column two

Individual, Children & Family Services

  • Child & Family Services
  • Counseling Programs
  • Family Counseling
  • Senior Centers
  • Social Service Organizations
  • Retreat Houses
  • Health Care Facilities

Health Related

  • Counseling & Treatment Centers (Post Detox)
  • Drug Abuse & Addiction Information
  • MRDD Rehabilitation Services

Recreation & Sports

  • Dance Studios
  • YMCAs
  • Yoga Centers
  • Youth Development
  • Boys & Girls Clubs
  • Youth Centers
  • Animal Related
  • Humane Societies
  • Animal Shelters/SPCAs

Food Distribution & Thrift Stores

Foundations & Grant Making

Submission Requirements

  • ACORD Applications
  • Supplemental Applications – as applicable to each account
  • Narrative description of operations
  • 5-Year currently valued loss runs
  • If available: the website address and/or the organization's brochures

Please Send Submissions to

International Coverage 

What is International Insurance?

Coverage designed to protect your organization and employees / volunteers while traveling or working outside of the country.

General Liability 

Provides coverage for third party bodily injury or property damage resulting from your operations. Pays for things like defense cost, expenses, and damages you are legally obligated to pay.

Product Liability

Provides coverage for third party bodily injury or property damage caused by your products. Responds to suits brought anywhere in the world for losses that occur outside the U.S.

Commercial Automobile Liability

Contingent coverage for owned, non-owned, leased, or hired automobile accidents while using, hiring or maintaining vehicles abroad. Pays for things like third party claims, damage to a rented vehicle, or medical bills for injured passengers.

Employers Responsibility with Foreign Voluntary Compensation

Offers 24/7 protection for work-related injuries for U.S. employees traveling on business outside of the United States, subject to the applicability of any state workers compensation statutory requirements. Pays for items such as medical bills and lost wages necessary to make your employee whole.

Executive Assistance Services with Repatriation

Worldwide network of emergency response professionals available to respond 24 hours, 7 days a week, 365 days a year to any urgent medical or travel needs. Services document replacement.

Accident & Health

Medical benefits for injury or illness  sustained outside of the scope of work. Pays for things like emergency room visits, doctor’s appointments, and x-rays.

Kidnap & Extortion

Provides and pays the cost of emergency response services for a kidnap or extortion event. Reimburses for the payment of ransom or other expenses.

Political & Natural Disaster Evacuation

Get out of harm’s way before it arrives. Pays for the relocation and repatriation of employees in the event of a political or natural disaster.


Broad, all-risk protection for physical operations outside the United States.

Business Income

Covers multiple sources of revenue, including royalties and rental income, and extra expense

Accident Insurance Coverage for Volunteers and Participants

People volunteer and participate at a wide variety of organizations every single day. As part of their volunteer and participant duties they may be involved in a diverse range of activities where an injury can occur. Organizations have a responsibility to care for the well-being of their volunteers and participants. Accident insurance offered by AIG’s Accident and Health business can help cover volunteers and participants against some of the inherent risks they may face.

Covered Activities

All eligible volunteers and participants registered with a Participating Organization will be covered under the accident insurance policy on file with Charity First. Coverage will apply while participating in scheduled, supervised and sponsored activities of the Participating Organization, excluding sports.


Accident Application & Brochure 

  • Coverage
  • Appetite
  • Applications
  • Submission

Workers Compensation Coverage

  • Wide range of premium sizes ($2K minimum) 
  • No Broker Fees
  • Flexible billing - installment plans available
  • Superior customer service
  • Excellent claims handling

Workers Compensation Appetite

Arts & Cultural

  • Art Galleries
  • Community Arts Centers
  • Museums
  • Performing Arts Centers & Organizations

Business Development

  • Chambers of Commerce
  • Downtown Business Leagues
  • Business Networking Groups


  • Fraternal Orders
  • Community Service Clubs (Kiwanis/Lions)
  • Junior League
  • Men’s/Women’s Service Clubs
  • Social Clubs
  • Veterans & Military Organizations


  • Daycare, Head Start & Kindergarten
  • Charter Schools
  • Elementary Schools – Private
  • Schools – Adult
  • Vocational Schools

Individual, Children & Family Services

  • Adoption Agencies
  • Foster Home Placement
  • Child & Family Services
  • Counseling Programs
  • Family Counseling
  • Senior Centers
  • Social Service Organizations

Community Services & Neighborhood Assn.

  • Organizations for Developmentally Disabled
  • Associations for Retarded Citizens (ARCs)
  • Career & Vocational Counseling
  • Community Centers
  • Senior Centers

Health Related

  • Counseling & Treatment Centers (Post Detox)
  • Drug Abuse & Addiction Information
  • MRDD Rehabilitation Services
  • Clinics


Submission Requirements

  • ACORD Applications
  • Supplemental Applications
  • Narrative description of operations
  • 4-Year currently valued loss runs
  • X-Mod Worksheet
  • If available: the website address and/or the organization's brochures

Please Send Submissions to                     

  • Coverages
  • Appetite
  • Applications
  • Submissions

Directors & Officers Coverage    

  • Life Time Occurrence Reporting Provision (LORP) providing Lifetime former tail coverage for former directors and officers. Peace of mind coverage knowing that their  decisions that were made on the board are protected for life.
  • Defense outside the limits
  • Full Prior Acts automatically included
  • Separate limits for the D&O and EPL

Available Limits

  • Up to $5 Million for D&O and EPL (Note: EPL is an optional coverage, which can be purchased in addition to D&O, but not on a monoline basis and may not exceed the D&O limit)

Notable enhancements include:

  • $1 Million Additional Side A Coverage included on all policies for free
  • Employment Practices Liability includes express social media
  • $100,000 FLSA (wage and hour) sublimit for defense costs only now in FL (the rest of the states beside CA, have a $100,000 sublimit for both defense and indemnity)
  • Full Severability
  • Retention Forgiveness included at no charge
  • Broader Definition of Claim
  • Expanded definition of Individual Insured
  • Expanded Subsidiary coverage
  • IvI Carvebacks broadened and now include bankruptcy trustees and former directors and officers (if Wrongful Act not related to their service)
  • 80/20 Hammer
  • 90 Day automatic claim reporting
  • 60 days to purchase ERP
  • Pro-Rata Cancellation

Directors & Officers Appetite

  • Assistance care center
  • Assisted living facility
  • Big Brother/Big Sister
  • Boys and Girls club
  • CASA
  • Cemetery
  • Chamber of commerce
  • Charity group
  • Church/Temple/Synagogue/Mosque
  • Community center/Civic center
  • Community college/Junior College
  • Convention center
  • Country club
  • Crisis center
  • Day care center
  • Developmentally disabled facility
  • Dining club
  • Economic Development Corp.
  • Environmental group
  • Exhibition (auto show, fairs)
  • Food bank
  • Foundation
  • Golf club
  • Handicapped service
  • Health care provider
  • Historical society/preservation
  • Homeless shelter
  • Hospice
  • Humane society
  • Library Regional
  • Membership organization
  • Mental health center
  • Montessori school
  • Museum
  • Nursing home
  • Organization
  • Performing arts
  • Planning commission
  • Pregnancy center
  • Preschool
  • Private industry council
  • Private school
  • Professional association
  • Public broadcasting
  • Retirement home
  • Scouting organization
  • Social service organization
  • Substance abuse center
  • Swim club/Tennis club
  • Trade association
  • United Way chapter
  • Visitors/Tourist bureau
  • Vocational training/school
  • Yacht club
  • Youth sports association
  • Zoos

Directors and Officer’s /EPLI Applications

Submission Requirements

  • ACORD Applications
  • Supplemental Applications – as applicable to each account
  • Narrative description of operations
  • 5-Year currently valued loss runs
  • If available: the website address and/or the organization's brochures

Please Send Submissions to

  • Coverages
  • Appetite
  • Applications
  • Submission

 Cyber Coverage


Comprehensive Coverage:

Enjoy1st and 3rd party coverage that safeguards your business from various cyber risks.

Ransomware Protection:

Rest easy knowing our policy offers specialized coverage against ransomware attacks, keeping your data secure.

Business Income Coverage:

Get financial support to recover lost income in the event of a cyber-incident that disrupts your  operations.

Security Breach Expense and Liability:

We cover the expenses incurred due to a security breach and protect you from potential liability.

Social Engineering Defense:

Protect your business from the growing threat of social engineering scams designed to deceive and defraud.

Computer & Funds Transfer Fraud:

Our policy provides coverage for fraudulent computer activity and unauthorized fund transfers.

Data Restoration Assistance:

Receive professional assistance to restore and recover your critical data after a cyber-incident.

Website Media Liability:

Protect your business from legal liabilities arising from content published on your website or social media platforms.

Cyber Appetite

  • Car Dealership
  • Charities / Not for profit
  • Construction
  • Domestic Services
  • Education (colleges/universities)
  • Education (schools)
  • E-commerce
  • Financial Institutions
  • Gas Station
  • Golf Clubs
  • Government
  • Healthcare/Medical
  • Hotels / Hospitality
  • Insurance Broker/Company
  • Investment Advisor / CPA / Mortgage Broker
  • Legal Services - commercial consumer
  • Manufacturing
  • Pharmacy
  • Professional Services
  • Realtor
  • Restaurant
  • Retail
  • Sports clubs/gyms
  • Telecoms
  • Trade Associations / Unions
  • Utility
  • Veterinarian
  • Wholesale Distributor

Cyber Liability Application

Please send your submission to

Our program is available nationwide on admitted, A.M. Best rated A XV paper.

Charity First understands the unique, complex risks that come with the incredible work of organizations who work with the elderly, children, and other vulnerable populations. From slips and falls to allegations of sexual abuse and molestation, we provide insurance packages that protect you against these and many other risks.

Our comprehensive package policy includes Property , Inland Marine, Crime, Automobile, and Workers Compensation insurance. We also offer enhancements that include international coverage, Accident & Health insurance for volunteers, and management liability insurance, including Directors & Officers Liability (D&O) and Employment Practices Liability Insurance(EPLI)

Our program also includes special events coverage, which is typically required as many nonprofits supplement their federal and state funding with private fundraisers, fairs parties, and other gatherings.