Although becoming a counselor can prove to be a rewarding career, the nature of this profession creates unique risks for your clients that could be...
- Categories nonprofit Insurance
Employment Rates on the Rise in the Nonprofit Sector
As reported in a recent Huffington Post article, employers in the nonprofit sector expect to hire at a rate that could surpass their for-profit peers...
How Can Nonprofits Expand Their Reach?
When it comes to expanding their reach and who they help, nonprofits have a lot of considerations to make; how can they utilize their community? Do...
Apple Takes Stake in the Nonprofit Sector
Earlier this week, Apple made an announcement that they are contributing $50 million to select nonprofit organizations in order to encourage minority...
Charity Insurance: Crafting Complete Risk Management Strategies
Charity Insurance: Crafting Complete Risk Management Strategies Charity Insurance Crafting Complete Risk Management StrategiesInsurance is a crucial...
Non Profit Liability Insurance: Protecting Community Centers
Non Profit Liability Insurance: Protecting Community CentersCommunity centers are arguably one of the most vulnerable non profit businesses there is...