Like other businesses, it’s important for nonprofits to stay informed regarding industry trends. As we move into the first quarter of 2020, we’ll look...
Leveraging the Power of Social Media: 3 Tips for Nonprofits
Social media is a powerful and cost-effective tool for nonprofit organizations to promote and support their causes, and to build relationships within...
Tips for What Should and Shouldn’t Be in Your Nonprofit’s Mission Statement
Your mission statement says a lot about your organization. More than just words, your mission statement speaks to others about who you are as well as...
Newsletter Best Practices for Nonprofit Organizations
Newsletters are a great way for nonprofits to keep supporters informed regarding events, achievements and updates. As a multipurpose communication...
5 Best Practices for Successful Nonprofit Succession Planning
A strong leader is critical to the success of a nonprofit organization’s ability to provide continuous services to the community, and its long-term...
What is a Succession Plan and Does Your Nonprofit Need One?
Succession planning is the process of identifying and developing new leaders who can immediately step into the incumbent’s role when necessary. Its...